NYC In January

I’ve recently returned to my parents’ house after several months of traveling, excitedly making plans to move to my favorite city from the adventure. As I eagerly send résumés and cover letters to prospective employers in the Emerald City, I’ll begin sharing photographs and stories from my favorite cities along the way.
After a few short visits in Syracuse and Binghamton, I made my way to the lovely isle of Manhattan to visit my dear friend Gab, whom you may remember from previous posts. She had the pleasure of repeatedly dominating me at Bananagrams, and I treated her to homemade black bean burgers for dinner. We spent our first night in with a movie from Gab’s IMDB watch list – we decided on Raising Arizona (trailer) after I mentioned a recommendation from the Back to Work podcast. We were delightfully entertained by acting that really did give us a new appreciation for Nicholas Cage.
The next day was spent gallivanting around Manhattan. I carried my Fuji x100s along to make some photographs, mostly in and around the subway. I had planned on leaving that night, but it happened to be the eve of an impending, underwhelming “snowmageddon,” so most transit was shut down. For some reason, the photojournalist in me decided to take a break and just enjoy a few nights with some other friends before boarding a bus to Pittsburgh, PA.